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Back to homeFrom the foundations of a small family business, Maglificio Gran Sasso has emerged as an iconic International label with true Made in Italy authenticity at its heart. Driven and inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of four brothers Nello, Eraldo, Alceo and Francesco Di Stefano, the journey began back in 1952 in the small Italian village of Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata, south of the border between Marche and Abruzzo.
The vision of the Di Stefano brothers was to impart their passion for producing knitwear with elegance and quality to create an effortless, sophisticated style authority. This focus and innate belief allows the business to flourish and grow in stature. In the 1970’s, definitive success both domestically and within international markets helps to create and solidi-fy a consistent and respected global brand identity.
Today Maglificio Gran Sasso ranks as one of the leading players in the production of both knit and casual wear. High quality products are guaranteed by expert sartorial craftsmanship in-volved across all stages of production. Every product is handmade to become an exclusive and distinguishable item. In recent years, third generation family members have joined the company and continue to drive and maintain that balance of tradition and innovation that distinguishes the Maglificio Gran Sasso brand. The Company also has an industrial dyeing plant and a showroom in via Montenapoleone in Milan, one of the most stylish locations in Italy.
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