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Back to homeThe Fred Perry brand was the brainchild of the tennis player of the same name and his Austrian friend Tibby Wegner. Although Perry himself had proposed a pipe (which he loved to smoke) as a logo, his entrepreneurial sidekick Wegner persuaded him, quite rightly, from the idea. Thus was born the exquisite embroidery of the small laurel wreath that immediately became a distinctive sign of class and elegance.
The first polo shirt, the brand's flagship garment, was born with Fred Perry. A new concept of comfort was introduced, a cotton shirt with a pique weave, and therefore breathable for the skin, with a collar and 3 buttons. A choice of continuity with the elegance of the shirts, so loved in the tennis world, which needed a worthy substitute.
The sixties saw the brand reach its peak, also thanks to the youth movement of the ‘mods’ (modernists) who had elected this brand, with few others, as distinctive clothing.
Always a symbol of victory, ‘The Laurel Wreath’ also distinguished and made an icon of the Fred Perry clothing line.
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